Now the question is, how do we fix our posture so that it becomes habit and not something we have to actively try to do? Like anything else in life, to make something a habit you have to continuously do it over and over again. Eventually it will become natural to you. Some great ways to work on fixing poor posture are:
- Exercise! Especially strength training in your shoulders, core and back.
- Practice your stance. Roll your shoulders back and then relax them, while lightly pushing your shoulder blades, or scapula, together. This will naturally open up your rib cage too allowing for increased oxygen to the brain.
- Stretching. Stretching and doing mobility movements will increase your range of motion. While doing this can be temporarily uncomfortable, it results in long term comfort and increased flexibility.
- Change your routine. If you are sitting at a desk all day, try moving around more often and stretching. If possible, get an ergonomically friendly desk that can be used in the seated position or raised up and be used in the standing position. Of course that isn't always an option so making your work area as ergonomically sound as possible would be the next best option (wrist rest, lumbar support for your chair, and so on).
- Mirror. Add a mirror next to your desk so that you can see yourself seated. Every time you glance in the mirror you will be able to see your posture and it will be a visual reminder to correct it.
- Lighten your load. Try to carry a lighter bag or backpack. Getting in some strength training as we mentioned earlier will help you to be able to carry a heavier load, but still to not to over do it.
- Stay active! We tend to get into hunched over postures while we are sitting or standing still. Getting more active will improve both your posture and overall health.
Visit us at Surfside Spa to book an appointment and correct your posture today! Our Mobility Enhancement package includes a 60 minute sports therapy massage and a 30 minute corrective movement clinic!